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Current version :
Updated : 2005/03/29 08:45 (GMT+1)
  put your WAD files in the /PALM/Programs/ZDoomZ/ folder
To hear music, you'll need a set of GUS patches (Timidity midi to wave library).
You can either use the standard Timidity set, check my timidity page for this here
or use a better set (from Eric Welsh) :
For the better, set you'll have to uncompress the zip archive in
/PALM/Programs/Timidity/ directory
After that you should have the following file/directory :
=> Timidity/timidity.cfg timidity config file
=> Timidity/patches/ or Timidity/eawpats/ folder with patches.
If you want to send donation, I have now a paypal account at :
March 29, 2005
Version 1.2 available
[FIX] memory allocation func issue on non-zodiac devices (changed to memchunknew)
March 19, 2005
Version 1.1 available
[FIX] wadfiles list set to zero before init.
[FIX] free whole midi structure after being written to disk.
[FIX] save choosen wad when switching from main form to option/config form.
[FIX] parameters handling (wad file, pwad file, ...).
[FIX] Free feature memory used by music on exit.
[FIX] Rewrote timidity samples loading.
[NEW] Command (cheat, keypress) can be entered in a simple console. Tap screen center to use it.
[NEW] Autorun (new option in doom option menu).
[FIX] Virtual buttons (tap screen) are now active.
[FIX] Gamma, '+' & '-' keys are now in the controls list.
[FIX] Do not play demo if from a different version.
[NEW] Savegame filenames are now prefixed with iwad/pwad filename.
[NEW] Buttons named in Launcher (controls form).
[FIX] Crash when cannot allocate a buffer.
March 6, 2005
Version 1.0 available
requirements : PalmOS 5, hires or hores+, 8MB of dynamic ram (use UDMH is you are running short of it).
based on linuxdoom, prboom & timidity for music support.
tested on the following WAD files : Doom II, Doom I shareware. Should work with other iwad files too.
pwad are supported, tested on halflife doom (gp32 version).
configurable input.
save/load games.
Screenshots (version 1.0)
Launcher |
480x320 Title screen |
480x320 ingame |
480x320 ingame |
320x320 |
320x320 |
320x320 |
JavaScript Menu Courtesy of